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Image by Leif Christoph Gottwald



Is Salty Pete's a real place?


Most of the places I write about, especially in the later books, are real. The main exception being Pete's, though even that is a combination of multiple locations (the structure of Bagatelle, the second floor inspired from Mel Fisher's museum, and the live music and vibe of Hank's Saloon as well as Smokin Tuna.)

What's your favorite restaurant in Key West?

Tough question. I liken it to being asked which Tom Hanks movie is your favorite. A lot of it depends on the mood/setting/occasion/company. But if I had to pick one, it would be Latitudes. Though their food is great, the big thing that sets them apart for me is the whole experience. If I had one evening in Key West, I'd catch a sunset at Mallory, use my dinner reservation to board the walk on ferry to Latitudes on nearby Sunset Key, then enjoy a delicious meal with beautiful ocean views just up from a picturesque beach and a lapping surf. But there are so many great places in Key West. Take a stroll and get lost. Follow the smells and the good music and order up some catch of the day. Then let me know what joint you stumbled upon so I can check it out, and so Logan can. 

Where's your favorite place to dive?


Another tough one. I don't like playing favorites. Every dive I've ever been on has had it's great moments and holds a special place in my memory (except a dive I once did to a wreck off Charleston on a crummy day with zero viz, but that's another story). If I had to pick, I'd go with Cozumel. The visibility is perfect, the life and colors amazing, and there's a steady current so you don't even have to kick. Just vent the air and sink down and watch the spectacular underwater world pass right by. The operations down there are also top notch.  Some of the best dive instructors and divemaster's in the world call the island home. 

Should I read your books in order?


I did my best to write the series so someone who knew nothing about it could pick up any book and enjoy it. With that being said, I encourage you to read any of them as standalones if you prefer. Maybe there's one that looks more interesting to you than the others. But, of course, I believe you'll have a deeper attachment and understanding of the characters if you start with the first book. 

Is Swamp Sauce real?


Though Swamp Sauce is made up, I've devoted time during trips to the Keys after penning Gold to finding a local seasoning that fits the taste I had in mind. My favorite match is "Southernmost Blend" from the Key West Spice Company. I enjoy this seasoning so much that I should probably go back and switch it out in the book. I hope you like it if you end up giving it a try, and I hope you like the rest of the series as well.

What musicians have you featured in your books?


When I first started writing Logan's adventures, I made up fake bands. But for a while now I've featured real artists. They've included Scott Kirby (who does a live acoustic performance in the Bahamas after paddling to shore in a dingy), Kelly McGuire, John Friday, Caffeine Carl & the Buzz, Sunny Jim, Howard Livingston and the Mile Marker 24 band, and of course, the one and only Jimmy Buffett. Jimmy played at Pete's place for the 40 year anniversary of the restaurants opening. And his songs routinely blare from speakers, both on boats and in cars. Fair winds and following seas Jimmy. 

In Key West, I love the historic seaport, Simonton Beach, Mallory Square, the Hemingway House, Fort Zachary Taylor, and of course Duval. I also love stopping by the Key West Island Bookstore (and they usually have my books in stock if you want to support a local bookstore). My favorite beach in the Keys is probably Bahia Honda State Park, up US-1 toward Marathon. I also love visiting the Dry Tortugas. If you get the chance, I highly recommend making the trip in a local seaplane. It's a trip of a lifetime. 

Could you list a few of your favorite spots in the Keys?

Lagerheads Beach Bar at Simonton Beach


Hank’s Hair of the Dog Saloon

Smokin Tuna

Old Town Bakery

Eaton Street Seafood Market

More of Matthew (and Logan's) favorite restaurants in Key West include:

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